Meet Your AANC Board of Directors: Andy Meador

AANC News, Member News,

Name: Andy Meador
Title: Vice President/Director of Capital Projects
Company: McDowell Properties
Local NC Affiliate: Triangle Apartment Association
   Past TAA President
Years in Industy: 32 Years

What does volunteer leader mean to you?
To share my industry experience and give back to an industry that has provided for me and my family.

What advice do you have for others who are looking to serve in a leadership role?
Stay plugged in and informed of industry issues by attending your local associations events and reading industry publications.

What is your favotire AANC moment?
The education conference!

What is one goal you hope to accomplish in 2019 with AANC?
To open a discussion about our skilled trade labor shortage and brainstorm ideas to assist our affiliates. Promote and market our industry's skilled trade jobs on a state level via a public relations campaign. Perhaps a AANC produced T.V. commercial?

Meet AANC's Board of Directors Here!