Helene Resources for the Multifamily Industry
Updated 2.4.2025
Resources for Property Management and Apartment Communities
Apartment Industry Update for Asheville Area
CoStar updated their market report in January, 2025. The current vacancy rate in the Asheville area is 8.5% as of January 14, 2025.
On November 19, 2024, Tina Baker from CoStar shared an industry update with key statistics, trends, and forecasts for the Asheville market. The good news is that less than 1000 units were lost due to Hurricane Helene and are already in remediation and being rebuilt. Unfortunately, this will add to the expansion, which currently projects a new supply of 1600 units in 2025, creating a potential for rising vacancies and low rent growth. You can find the full report and accompanying slides here.
Protect Your Assets: Legal Issues from Hurricane Helene Webinar
AANC's webinar with Loebsack and Brownlee, covers key topics including short-term lease agreements, habitability and repair obligations, future rent adjustments, and tenant lease terminations. A recording of the webinar can be found here.
Working with FEMA and short-term housing
Rep. Chuck Edwards’ office contacted AANC, stating that FEMA is seeking information from housing providers interested in their Direct Lease program and/or multifamily properties that are interested in participating in FEMA’s Lease and Repair Program. The full request is provided here. Brief descriptions of the programs:
- Direct Lease is a form of Direct Temporary Housing Assistance that allows FEMA to lease existing, ready-to-occupy residential properties for survivors whose temporary housing needs cannot be met with other forms of assistance. FEMA will pay the property management company/vendor the cost of rent, while the survivor is responsible for utility costs and other expenses not covered in the lease.
Property owner or management companies interested in the Direct Lease program must provide responses and comments on or before 5 p.m. EST, November 6, 2024, via email to fema-direct_lease_dr4827nc@fema.dhs.gov. The email subject line should read: RFI# 70FBR425-DL-DR4827NC
- Multifamily Lease and Repair (MLR) is a form of temporary housing assistance that allows FEMA to repair or make improvements to existing multifamily rental/residential property for the purpose of providing temporary housing to eligible FEMA applicants. The properties in MLR are to be offered as temporary housing to eligible disaster survivors. The properties must be available for a term of no less than 18 months, with the option of lease extension. The properties should be complexes that are able to accommodate a considerable number of people in a single location. Each property must have been previously used as a multifamily housing complex and contain multiple rental units. Hotels, hospitals, nursing homes, etc. are not considered residential properties and are not authorized for MLR. The site must be repairable to local, state, and federal regulations within a four-month period and cannot be located in a floodway. MLR is not intended to repair or improve individual units to rehouse existing tenants.
Property owner or management companies interested in the Multifamily Lease and Repair program must provide responses and comments no later than 5 p.m. EST, Nov. 6, 2024, via email to mailto:fema-mlr_dr4827nc@fema.dhs.gov The email subject line should read: RFI #70FBR425-MLR-DR4827NC Response: MLR-DR-4827-NC
NCDEQ Guidance on Soil/Sediment Removal
Hurricane Helene hit our State and left significant devastation. As cleanup gets underway here is some guidance on proper removal of soils and sediments. Other debris should be removed from the soil if at all possible before cleanup as follows:
- No signs of Contamination (discoloration or abnormal odor such as fuel)- Soils and sediments from roadways, parking lots, and other open areas may be stockpiled in an area where they can be recovered and reused for construction or other needs in the recovery effort.
- Signs of Contamination (discoloration or abnormal odor such as fuel)- Soils and sediments from roadways, parking lots, and other open areas should be isolated and stockpiled on a surface not allowing fluid to pass through or a tarp and cover where possible.
- Removal from inside of Flooded Homes and Garages- If there is no sight of contamination, follow steps #1 above. Where there is clear evidence of a spill, sediments should be containerized and taken to a Municipal Solid Waste landfill for disposal.
- Business/Commercial Removal with Contamination-Should be containerized pending determination of proper disposal in coordination with the Division of Waste Management, Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch. Regional contact is Brett Engard, (828) 767-2424 or brett.engard@deq.nc.gov
It is advised not to place material in flood-prone areas & to install adequate runoff controls (e.g., silt fence) around stockpiles. Guidelines may change based on updates from local, state, or federal partners. For more info., contact the Div. of Waste Management at 828-296-4500
Gathering and Transporting Supplies:
- The transporting of supplies needs to be done in coordination with the state or with an organization holding a certificate which allows delivery of supplies to affected areas. More information from the state can be found at ncvoad.org.
- As of 10.8.2024, AAWNC has secured a certificate to deliver supplies. It can be shared for properties in the area in need. Please reach out to Bryan Holladay at bryan@cltpr.com.
Pilots from Charlotte are volunteering to fly in supplies to the areas that were cutoff from the main roads. Contributions to Hurricane Helene Airlift Relief efforts can be made via the Statesville Amazon Wish List. Items will be shipped to Helene Airlift Relief, 238 Airport Rd, Statesville, NC 28677.
- PTAA will be collecting donations of supplies at their upcoming trade show on October 24th. For more information, reach out to Ben at ben@piedmonttaa.org .
Residents in need of relocation/Units available for those in need:
AANC is gathering information regarding those who need places to relocate displaced residents as well as properties who have units available. If either of these situations are applicable, please include your information here.
- The Upperstate Apartment Association in South Carolina (USAA) has organized a GoFundMe page, where 100% of donations will go to AAWNC (Apartment Association of Western North Carolina).
- Pegasus Residential is raising funds to assist those impacted in the Asheville, NC and Augusta, GA communities. The funds will help provide essential supplies, emergency housing, and support for rebuilding efforts. They are also focused on supporting their employees who have been personally affected by the storm. Pegasus Residential will match contributions up to $10,000. NOTE: Must have Venmo account to donate. Also, Pegasus Residential is not a 501(c)3 organization and no funds donated will be eligible for a tax deduction. Contributions can be made here.
Statewide Multifamily Housing Industry on Hurricane Helene Relief:
AANC has been having meetings with our affiliates, members, and other persons involved in the multifamily housing industry to discuss challenges and resources available. Below, you will find links to the notes gathered from each of these calls:
If you would like to participate in future calls, currently scheduled for Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 8am, please reach out to us at info@aanconline.org.