Meet Your AANC Board of Directors: Daniel Malone

AANC News, Member News,

Name: Daniel Malone
Title: Account Executive
Company: Real Floors
Local NC Affiliate: Apartment Association of Western North Carolina
   Current AAWNC President
Years in Industy: 11 Years

What does volunteer leader mean to you?
Being a Volunteer Leader has to be selfless. Working towards a goal for the greater good of a collective. In order to lead a group of people, you have to be involved. The best leaders are one who are willing to get their hands dirty, pull weight, and spend personal time working to achieve the goals of the team.

What advice do you have for others who are looking to serve in a leadership role?
The best advice I can give to someone who is looking to serve in a leadership role would be; be kind, be courteous, be compassionate, and set the example for others to follow. Carefully and methodically plan your actions and responses. Be mindful of your audience; the next leader is listening to you right now.

What is your favotire AANC moment?
My favorite AANC moment was during the 2018 annual Education and Legislative Conference. We had a great evening of celebration with industry peers, getting to know one another on a more personal level, understanding how one another serves and helps our industry grow. I have to say, karaoke was definitely the best idea.

What is one goal you hope to accomplish in 2019 with AANC?
In 2019, I desire to see more training of our leadership. How can we best serve without proper knowledge of our roles and responsibilities? Being a leader is so much more than filling an empty chair at a table. Our leaders have an impact on the future of our associations and it is our duty to pass on a legacy to the next generation. Help us, help you.

Meet AANC's Board of Directors Here!