Career Spotlight: Laura Floyd

Member News,

Name: Laura Floyd
Company: Bell Partners
Title: Regional Manager
Local NC Affiliate: TAA

Tell us about your career:

I graduated from college and wanted to go to med school; however, I didn't want any more student loan debt. I decided to take a leasing job while I figured out my future. I was fortunate enough to land this leasing job with an amazing community manager who had years of experience. She was an amazing teacher and helped me get to where I am today. I worked under her for about three years before I was offered a community manager job, within my company, in a different city and state.

Fast forward five years and I was accepting a corporate job, in a new city and state, with that same company! My new role allowed me to be over training, acquisitions, dispositions, and more. I was able to travel and meet so many people. After three years I decided to take a similar role, with a much larger company, and it ended up being the best decision ever. I came on board with Bell Partners in 2018 as a Regional Transition Manager in the Atlanta region. In the summer of 2020 I decided to relocate to the Raleigh region so I could be closer to family (and possibly see snow). I have an amazing leader in Raleigh who helped me transition to this market with ease. I cannot wait to see where I go with Bell Partners, as I know and hope it will only be up! 

What advice do you have for someone just starting in your field:

Absorb everything that is taught to you. Learn how to be understanding but not take anything personally, as there will be hard days. For every one resident that may come in and take their frustration out on you, there will be five other residents who will compliment the great job you are doing.