AANC Committees - Meet Your Volunteers - Tami Fossum

AANC News, Member News,

Name: Tami Fossum
Title: Executive Director
Company: GEM Management
Local NC Affiliate: Greater Charlotte Apartment Association
Years in Industy: 30 Years
AANC Committee: Membership Committee

What does volunteer leader mean to you?
It means working toward the greater good for our industry with other industry peers.

What advice do you have for others who are looking to volunteer with AANC?
You should be involved, this is your industry and your voice is important.

What is your favorite AANC moment?
It is always seeing the industry coming together on legislative days with a unified voice.

What is one piece of networking advice you would give to others?
Get to know new people as your network is a resource for you and your company. Sit at a table where you do not know anyone.

How do you define AANC?
Unified voice in the state that works to protect and advocate for our industry.

If time was not an issue, what is one new thing you would like to learn?
How to think like a CFO in operations.

Interested in learning more and joining an AANC Committee - Details Here!